On any given week, countless Christians gather and participate in strange practices they believe are true expressions of the power of God. From speaking in tongues to attempting to raise the dead, Charismatic Christians believe they are participating in modern miracles. But are these miracles real? Are the Apostolic sign gifts in operation today?
Join us October 3–5, 2024 as we lovingly and carefully answer this important question by exposing the errors and building a positive case for the real work of the Holy Spirit today. The real gift of the Spirit is far more necessary and powerful than many imagine.
Sadly, the debate over this issue has often produced more heat than light. But in the end, only one factor should determine how we answer that question: What does the Bible say?
Join us in Sun Valley, California in October of 2024 as we carefully consider key biblical arguments for the cessation of the miraculous gifts of the Spirit. This conference will help you consider what Scripture teaches about an issue that affects every aspect of the Christian experience—from your view of Scripture and philosophy of church ministry to your daily walk as a disciple of Jesus Christ and your relationship with the Holy Spirit.
We will enjoy sound doctrinal preaching, robust singing of psalms and hymns, and rich fellowship with likeminded believers.
Join us!