Legal Disclaimer

Reformed Events (henceforth referred to as "RE") and it's affiliated site, organizations, etc, hereby makes known that any event content posted is the sole property of the associated organizers, speakers, and so forth unless otherwise stated.

RE makes no claim to ownership of said content, nor is an event that is/has been posted constitute endorsement of any of the organizers and/or speakers and/or any content on their respective sites/bodies. Furthermore, posting of said content does not constitute endorsement by them towards us.

We offer all reproduced event content "as is" and is for "informational purposes only" for the viewer from publicly accessible sites/content. As such we offer no form of compensation to any parties listed, nor do we handle any monetary transactions.

By using and/or accessing our website and associated forms, you release us from any and all liability that may arise. Please note that again this website is for "Informational Purposes Only". All complaints regardless of nature relating to events should be directed to the organizer(s) associated with said event.

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