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Your support helps us to keep this resource free. Check out the ways you can support us below.


By donating financially, this helps us to cover operating costs for this website. This includes expenses such as server fees, security software, software licensing, and more. We do not use the donations for salary or payroll as we operate on a volunteer basis only.

You can use the link below to access our donation form on our parent site, We Are Reformed. This form will allow you to donate any amount towards our ministries to help keep the resources we provide free.

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You can volunteer your time by submitting events, helping to review and approve events, by spreading the word through social media, by using your connections and telling other ministries that would benefit from this resource about us.

The reality is that our volunteers are our greatest resource and through their volunteer efforts we are able to make this site grow which in turn benefits all our users.

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If you're a small business or other organization, you can contribute through the donation of physical or virtual goods such as apparel, software licenses, digital and virtual books (and other similar items), and much more. This items would be used for giveaways, raffles, and by us across all our ministries (, Reformed.Link, Reformed.Events, and our upcoming podcast) to raise awareness about your entity.

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