These duties are vital for the health of every church. For local assemblies to flourish, their overseers must preach and shepherd well.
On April 24 - 25, join Dr. Steven Lawson, Alexander Strauch, and Kevin Swanson for a special conference designed to help pastors and elders reach the next level in their preaching and shepherding skills.
Hosted by Church and Family Life, this two - event church leaders gathering is open to elders, deacons, and their sons, along with others who aspire to shepherd the flock of God.
Dr. Steven Lawson has dedicated his life to preaching—and teaching others how to preach. On the first entire day of the conference, he will be giving instruction on how you can elevate both your sermon preparation and preaching delivery. Using brand new curriculum, his goal is to aid you to improve your preaching so that you can become a more faithful herald of God’s Word.
Alexander Strauch has spent more than thirty years raising the bar on what it means to shepherd a church through such books as Biblical Eldership, The New Testament Deacon, and Agape Leadership. On day two, he will be joined by Kevin Swanson as they take a deep dive on what it means to shepherd the flock of God, explaining critical and practical matters that shepherds must master. Their goal is to equip you to better thrive as a local church shepherd.
The central and controlling principle for this conference is that Scripture is sufficient for everything pertaining to life and godliness. As the shepherds go, so goes the church. As the shepherds think, so goes the thinking of the flock. Therefore, it is critical that we hold to Paul’s admonition to Timothy, “take heed to yourself and your doctrine” (1 Tim. 4:16).
This conference will equip preachers to be better expositors so that they might “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered to the saints” (Jude 3).
Shepherds must be leaders who are “examples to the flock” (1 Pet. 5:3). This conference will help you better care for those “entrusted to you” (1 Pet. 5:3) as a church shepherd.
Join us next April to sharpen your skills as a preacher and shepherd!
The Preach the Word, Shepherd the Flock Conference will conclude with the Burnings of the Soul Luncheon (cost included in admission), where speakers for this year’s national conference will exhort us on matters weighing on their hearts.